Welcome to RhoadsWay Boxers
We love these wiggle butts. If you have had a boxer in the past you understand the wiggle butt comment as they get so excited when their owner comes in and twist there bodies almost in half. Misty Mocha is about to have her first litter of puppies. She is AKC registered and a sealed brindle boxer. Whiskey River is the male and is a fawn.
Misty Mocha was chosen because of her mild demeanor as a puppy, the excellent breeders, and her bloodline. Whiskey River was chosen based on his blood line and the power and strength in his mother and father. Below are photos of our boxers as pups and together as adults.

Misty and Whiskey
Boxers need room to romp and run. They are very playful and loyal to their family. They also love to be around their human family
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